The most noticeable change will be with the user interface, as can be seen in this screenshot:

The app will now buffer approximately 10 minutes of audio and allows rewind and fast forward within this buffer while still buffering the live stream.
It'll also support true "pause" (again, up to about 10 minutes), so if you accidentally pull out your headphones, or need to stop the music for a few minutes, you can then resume right where you left off!
In the above picture the gray bar above the rewind/stop/fast forward buttons represents the audio currently buffered. The red line represents what portion of the buffer to which you are currently listening. In this example, the buffer is about 1/4 full and we are listening to the "live" part of the stream.
I'm still not crazy about my "tunemarking" buttons. The + one will allow you to tag a song, buy it up on iTunes, email the track info, etc, and the other button will let you manage your list of previously marked songs. I'm admittedly a poor graphic designer (programming is my skill set), so this is the best I've come up with so far for representing the tunemarking concept.
You can read more about the current version of the app here.