While the iPad version does preserve the same minimalistic art style of the original iPhone version, the artwork has been redone to take advantage of the higher resolution screen. Here are a few sample screenshots:

"Give people more things to see and control, by adding more camera angles; more knobs, switches, and dials;" page 11
"Downplay application controls by minimizing their number and prominence." page 25
"...a 72 x 72 pixel application icon. These dimensions give you a sizable area in which to tell a story about your application." page 32
Stormy Productions is a small software development company specializing in embedded development. Our focus is primarily on the iPhone architecture, however we also have extensive experience developing for Windows, Unix, and proprietary embedded operating systems.
We have developed close to 100 iPhone apps on iTunes.
Visit us online at StormyProds.com
Brian Stormont is the founder of Stormy Productions. He has over 20 years of professional software development experience.
Brian holds a masters degree in Computer Science from Brown University and a BS in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics from the University of Rhode Island.